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Manufactured to meet FDA criteria. Suitable for most sampling applications. Available in a range of stock sizes in natural translucent white. Custom sizes, colors and lengths available upon request.
Unit of Measure


Inside Diameter (ID)

3/8 "

Outside Diameter (OD)

1/2 "

Wall Thickness

1/16 "


-100 to +175 ºF

Working Pressure

90 psi




100 ft/box

Additional Information


  • Corrosion Resistance Values:
  • For details of resistance to specific substances for your particular application, please refer to Corrosion Resistance Bulletin No. 10.
  • Major Advantages:
  • Low Cost. Superior resistance to moisture and chemicals. Polyethylene is extremely resistant to environmental stress cracking, and costs less than other tubing materials for low pressure applications.
  • Construction:
  • Low Density Polyethylene or High Density Polyethylene.
    Operating Temperature Range: -100 ºF to + 175 ºF
    Recommended Couplings: Plastic or metal inserts with outer sleeves, ferrule or clamps.